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[E] dynamusx
[E] dynamusx
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over 12 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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mattgehring123 wrote: I feel stupid now. Actually though, there are areas in the nether at least that have been claimed in clans. I assume that was before this decision was made. Will they be wiped? The Nether and The End shall be reset at some point and time in the near future to mitigate any Faction Claims which could have been made before the decision to remove Faction Action in those worlds.
over 12 years ago
Reggief wrote: Staff can fly? Now that is fucked up. There is zero need in PVP. We all know what happens because of fly, well I guess most probably dont because they werent around, but I remember the issues because of War World fly. Edit: Yes I know they "arent suppose to in PVP but they have the ability". Still seen flying tho. I was concerned with this as well myself. I am willing to allow this ability for the Staff considering the fact that at times, this could enable them to complete their duties more effectively. I had a discussion regarding this and had also voiced my concerned. Thus Moderators/Staff can keep that ability with the simple tolerance 0. It should never EVER be used to promote an advantage during actual "gameplay" but only used to assist other players or perform moderation tasks.
over 12 years ago
Gotmilk54445 ~ wrote: Completely agree.. ive been on many pvp servers as i love them, and i was super exited when i saw how minetown would have a pvp server.. but now that u cant use all mcmmo and tnt and shit like tht.. its a bit disapointing, EDIT: i got to ask,,,, who the hell is Mr.Flip? We have reviewed the feedback received from the Minetown Members and leveled the playing field by giving everyone access to TNT. Thank you for your feedback.
over 12 years ago
OkiFool66 wrote: Level the playing field, give us TNT TNT has been delivered to everyone.
over 12 years ago